I had recently read a murder mystery novel by Linda Fairstein called
Death Angel. It's set in New York City Ms. Fairstein prominently used Central park as it's setting, particularly the Ravine and North Woods sections. These are in the northwestern part of the park which is not as well-known other areas. As 40 year NYC resident and ardent urban explorer it surprised me to learn of a section of Central Park that I had not been to. Ms. Fairstein described a stream and waterfalls in a low lying under-used and somewhat desolate area of the park as her characters searched for clues to solve a murder. I made a mental note myself that I must go there sometime. On a balmy autumn afternoon earlier this week with my camera I made it there.
There are many places in Central Park where by Mr. Olmsted and Vox's brilliant design one can turn a corner or go through an underpass and suddenly find themselves in a landscape that seems miles removed from the city that surrounds you. The Ravine is one of best examples this. I found the entrance by The Pool which is a lovely pond on the west side near 100th Street. You go down some steps by a waterfall and through an underpass called the Glen Span Arch and suddenly your deep in the woods by a stream.
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